Frequently asked questions

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What is a photo studio rental?
A photo studio rental is a service that provides a professional photography studio for use by photographers, models, and other creative professionals. The rental may include access to lighting equipment, backdrops, props, and other resources to help you create high-quality images.
Why would I need to rent a photo studio?
Renting a photo studio can provide you with a professional setting for your photography work. It can also offer access to equipment and resources that you may not have otherwise, such as specialized lighting or backdrops.
How do I book a photo studio rental?
You can call us by phone, or use our online form at
What is included in a studio rental?
We can offer access to lighting equipment, backdrops, props, and other resources to help you create high-quality images.
How do I access the studio once I rent it?
Prior to your arrival on the day (or days) of your rental, you will be provided with an access code as well as a short tutorial on how to find your way around the space and control the lights, sound, etc.
Can I paint the studio?
Of course! While there is a fee associated with it, please reach out to us and we'll get it done for you. Just give us a heads up!
Who does your studio cater to?
The studio was designed to be fully functional, equipped, versatile, but also experiential! That means we had in mind the likes of Netflix, as well as smaller production companies to film.
Do you have access for large equipment or even vehicles?
Yes! We have a large commercial grade garage door which allows for many of our clients to drive in their vehicles for unloading equipment, or simply rolling in large bags or production items inside.
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